It is a simple fact that strategically placing something quite visibly in front of consumers when they are in buying mode greatly increases the probability that it will be bought.
Point of sale displays are far more effective than plain cardboard boxes but even a simple dump bin piled high with a low cost product like tins of beans can zoom sales to unexpected highs. POS displays sell products. They catch the eye. Whether they are seemingly elaborate but low cost Free Standing Display Units or simpler Pallet Shrouds, they are automatic sales assistants that don’t require tea breaks or days off!
Low Value Items
Dump bins placed at intervals along the food aisles of supermarkets work wonderfully well because they stand out from the sheer regularity of the shelving. They are unmissable and perfect for impulse purchases on the go. Display stands on the counter at checkout successfully sell anything from lollipops to wrist bands to DVDs. We can advise on what works best at what locations and using which type of POS display unit. Price testing is a science in itself using what is called price elasticity. It simply tests how high the price can go before sales plummet
High Value Items
The impulse factor reduces as the price point increases. No consumer will grab a £65 bottle of perfume en passant from a dump bin in the same way that they would snap up a 65p bar of chocolate almost unthinkingly. But that does not mean the POS has a product value ceiling. It means that the style of POS display must change.
The Psychology Behind The Success Of POS Displays
The decision to make impulse purchases happens at a deep subconscious level in a split second. Some say that only 5% of the decision is conscious and that may relate to checking that the price is reasonable. Everything else is triggered subliminally by colour, shape, location, size, and who knows how many other miniscule factors. Colour is a big one, though, and not just to attract our attention. Certain colours convey attributes, even though we may be completely unaware. For example, black has sleek and classy overtones, which was well exploited by Black Magic chocolates down through the years. Red triggers an action impulse while yellow supposedly triggers an eating response, which is why many food brands use it predominantly on their packaging.
Attention Grabbing POS Displays
POS displays can be used to increase the sales of any product. Part of their secret is gentle disruption and intrusion into the consciousness of the passing consumer. Attracting attention is more than half the battle, and that is relatively easy to do with positioning, size and colour. More design tips and other useful information can be found in our Point of Sale Marketing Guide. Click here to claim your copy.
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