Free Standing Display Units (FSDU'S): Why do you need them?

The Quikstand is our name for the pop-up variety of POS displays that require no assembly. You simply open the box and pop them into shape, then position them where you want according to their design...

Of all the POS display types, dump bins have proven to be the simplest and often the most effective at moving merchandise. The reason for their success is because they do not need to be big or...

Trends will always be a part of striving to be visible in a crowded marketplace. Consumers quickly become inured to the “same old, same old” style of promotion. That applies to everything from glossy...

Some POS display types are intended to boost product sales, and they certainly do that. Dummy boxes, on the other hand, are primarily a branding and marketing device. They are used to plant ideas or...

The secret of the success of countertop units is that the shopper has his or her purse or wallet open at just the right moment for an impulse purchase to have the best possible chance of success. The...

You are planning a Point Of Sale display rollout, perhaps for the first time or deploying some new branding or marketing concepts. It’s important that there are no major foul-ups, at worst, and...

Pallet displays are perfect to add marketing and attractiveness to something as mundane as a pallet stacked with bottles of fizzy drinks, for example. They are often used for heavy merchandise, such...

It is a simple fact that strategically placing something quite visibly in front of consumers when they are in buying mode greatly increases the probability that it will be bought.

POS strategies are essentially an attempt at upselling and they deploy tactics to trigger impulse buys and increase profits. Successful POS strategies really do deliver excellent ROI. Studies have...